Saturday, January 28, 2012

Life Wisdom or the Lack Thereof

A little while ago I was happily writing a post for my blog about the stages we go through in life and the wisdom we gain as we go. I was feeling all good about myself, thinking I had figured some things out in my 50 brief years. Maybe I was even feeling a little self-righteous about it because, of course, although I had been stupid in my youth and made plenty of boner moves and decisions, I was MUCH wiser now. (You can roll your eyes at this. It's okay.) I was about half-way through my wise words and...I lost it! The whole draft of the blog post! I searched, I tried to recover, I swore silently, I muttered loudly. I slammed my chair back in frustration. All for naught. My wise, pompous words were gone! Maybe that is for the good.

What I was going to talk about is the life stages we go through. You know, childhood when you want to be grown. Teenhood when you think you're brilliant and your parents are idiots. Young adulthood when you finally do all the things you dreamed of in childhood, make fantastic errors in judgement, have loads of fun, go to school, get married, and figure out life is HARD. Then comes the middle years (this is where I was going to get a little full of myself) where you finally figure out what life is all about and find peace and harmony. Well! I blew that one didn't I? Not only did I blow it, but I deleted it! Bah!

The truth, I realized as I made my ridiculous, fabulous mistake this morning, is we never figure it all out. We go through the phases of life, figure some things out, slowly, make many mistakes over and over ad nauseum, figure some more things out and...repeat many mistakes all the way to our graves apparently! The point is, no matter how old we get, how smart and wise we think we are, we're all still making mistakes and learning every day of our lives. The only wise thing I would very humbly share now is that we should learn from our mistakes, love people as much as possible along the way, and learn to save what is important and let go of the rest. (Especially in writing. If it isn't saved, it didn't happen, which is perhaps for the best sometimes.) I pray everyone has a good weekend, finds God's strength and love through difficulties, and joy and happiness in all the rest. dewl

P.S. I wrote this in a document, saved it every few minutes, saved it again, and then copied and pasted it into my blog. Hope it makes it because if it doesn't, Typepad and I are so done!  

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