As bad, sad or unexpected things occurred in my life, I was at first shocked, then disappointed, and often downright scared. “Why was this happening to me, my family, or my friends? Why would God let this happen? Didn’t He care after all?” I found myself on my knees, literally and figuratively, before God all the time, begging for mercy, for protection, for help. One night in my early 20’s, I was so worried and afraid that I could not sleep. I was frozen in terror in my mind and soul. My mind kept racing from one imagined nightmare to another. All I could think of was the worst possible scenarios or outcomes in my situation. I got up out of bed, drank some water, and sat down at my dining table. My body ached with worry and stress. My bible was on the table and, in desperation; I grabbed it and opened it. The place I landed was Matthew 6:23-34. I read Jesus’ words about God watching over the birds and the flowers and surely He was watching over me too. I read about not worrying and not living in the days ahead that had not come yet. The last verse, 34, struck me to the core, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble on its own.” I can’t explain it, but immediately I felt the worry and tension leave my body. I felt God’s peace and love surround me and hold me. I took deep, full cleansing breaths for the first time in days. I placed my head on the table and cried. I cried in relief. “I am not alone! God cares!” I cried in shame. “How could I ever think God would leave me or quit loving me?” I cried in gratitude. “God, you’ve always been here and are here now.” I went back to bed, relaxed, at peace and certain that whatever happened, God would be with me. Sure enough He was and is!
Too many times to count over my life, I have prayed to God for help and mercy and He has answered. He has provided help, mercy, physical protection, and sometimes direct answers. Many times, however, He has said “no” to my direct, specific requests. He hasn’t taken away the bad day or bad situation. What He has always provided and answered with is His love, His comfort, and His strength to help me through. The more I have relied on Him and trusted Him, the more He has revealed Himself to me through His love, comfort, and strength. God’s presence in my life, each day on its own, has shown me that every day is a good day and full of His love. I am never alone. I always have what I need to live with Him. He has never let me down or left me. He will never leave me. I may leave Him, but His is always waiting, patiently and lovingly, for me to return to Him.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
His mercies never come to an end.They are new every morning!
Great is thy faithfulness!
The Lord is my portion says my soul,
Therefore I will hope in Him.
(Song from Lamentations 3:22-24)
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