Lately many of us have been beset with a horde of Miller moths and have fought to keep them out of the house and away from our doorways. When a cloud of them flutters around us, we freak out and swat them away. Personally, I've yelped several times over the last week when I've opened a door and been surrounded by the brown flutterers.
This morning it struck me that moths aren't so different from butterflies. They both flutter around, searching for something to feast on. They both gravitate to flowers and plants. Our lilac bushes have been full of them for days. So, what is the difference in a moth and a butterfly? Why do we reject one and love the other? Why, if a butterfly lands on us, are we usually are filled with a sense of wonder at its beauty? Why, if a moth lands on us, do we freak out so badly?
Both the moth and the butterfly were made for a purpose by God. I've heard that the moths plaguing us are like necter to the bears coming out of hibernation in the mountains. They are a delicacy to them. I'm sure moths serve other purposes as well. I suspect they've helped pollinate our lilac bushes just as well, if not better, than butterflies. Butterflies haven't even made an appearance yet.
Some of us feel like moths--plain, brown, unwanted, unnoticed except to be shooed away. We feel we have no purpose or one of little importance. We sometimes wonder why God made us to be moths when butterflies are so much prettier and seem to be more important. Here is the thing to remember. God made us all for a purpose. He loves us all--moths and butterflies. He sees us all as beautiful. You may feel you have no purpose or your purpose isn't very important. God doesn't make anything or anyone without having a purpose for them! Without everyone He has created, the world would be less beautiful and interesting! I would like to be a butterfly, but sense I am more of a moth. Regardless of which I am, I know God had a specific purpose in mind when He made me. Butterfly or moth, know that God loves you just as you are, sees you as His beautiful creation, and that you are very important to Him as you fulfill your purpose. I love you all, but God loves you more. Dee
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