Monday, May 14, 2012

Epiphany and The Meaning of Life

I had an epiphany this morning while driving through the rain in the hills and canyons between Amarillo and Dalhart, Texas.  I’ve had a similar version of this epiphany several times throughout my life, but as I live life and get involved in things, I tend to turn a little senile and forget it. I think we all do this. We realize something important, have several days, months or even years of clarity and then get lost and forget our way. I could try to be all deep and analytical about the view of life I’m about to share, but I’m not a philosopher. I’m not complicated. I’m a big picture kind of gal and like things simple. So, here’s my simple epiphany from this morning.

There is a circle of life. We’re not always young, always middle-aged, or always old. Each phase of life is important, worthy, and to be enjoyed, wherever you are.  Love one another all through life.  Love family, friends, and strangers. Don’t mourn the past or over-anticipate the future.  Enjoy this moment, right now. Share it with someone you love.  Even when life is hard, difficult, and painful, soak it in, let it be.  Pray.  God will be with you through all things, forever.  God loves you. Lighten up on each other. Forgive and be forgiven.  As long as you’re alive, you have an important purpose even if you don’t realize what it is.  Be yourself and your purpose will be fulfilled.  Love is the answer to all of life.  God is love. Be just, love mercy, walk humbly with your God.
This is a bit garbled, but I'm writing at McDonald's in Raton, NM so forgive me for being garbled.  :-)

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