Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memory, words, colors, prayers and God

This week has been such that I'm rather tired of computers...and my own limited memory. (I changed the password to my mini laptop and despite racking my brain and trying a couple of recovery programs, my mini is still locked.) I'm writing this brief post on my iPod.

I received my latest copy of Southern Living today and I was struck by how much I love printed magazines. They're slick, colorful, and full of ideas and wonder. They require no passwords and if you forget to bookmark your page, no matter! Just flip through and voila! Instant smile. It's the little things that make life good.

My friends' husband had major heart surgery this week. He's doing well, but I worried a lot about both Paul and Becky. I have to say that I've been talking to God constantly this week and listening more. God answers prayers. Even the ones we don't put words to...or remember.

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